
Welcome to WHS CoderDojo

We will be working together in the 20-21 school year to develop the WHS App.  It's not too late to join in.  Talk to Mr. Bruns if you are interested.  You can email him at

Essentials to getting Started

You should download and install the following:

Create a BitBucket account (if you don't already have one) and send an email to Zach Watson who will send you an invite.  Note: make sure to send an email from the same account that you sign up for BitBucket.

Clone the repository:

Log into your BitBucket account and go to whichever repository you want to clone. On the source tab, in the upper right corner, there should be a button that says "Clone". Click on that, and choose "Clone in VS Code". Allow it to open VS Code and choose the top option. Something along the lines of "Clone a new folder" or something like that. Choose your preferred location and allow it to download. If there's any errors with this, make sure git is installed.

After cloning the repository, make sure node.js is installed and run "npm i" in VS Code's terminal. After that is done, ensure it has worked by running "npm start" and a webpage should open. If there's any issues with "npm i", try restarting VS code and running it again.

If there's any issues, just email Zach Watson or message him on Slack with the issue and he should be able to help you.

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